Using the State of Pennsylvania as an example – there are rules committees of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that were formed after 1968- that exceed the intended jurisdiction of Article V Section 10(c). Because of the exemption of the Judiciary from the Open Meeting Laws, the rules of the courts are being composed by the bar associations. These court rules are obstructing access to the substantive laws passed by congress, with their sole purpose is to maximize attorney hourly billing. The courts have allowed judges, through”discretionary rule” to unilaterally block access to jury trials and the appeals process.
As exposed in the 1978 Letter of the Supreme Court to Governor Shapp, the interpretation that the right to administer the courts through Article V Section 10(c) , included exceeding their jurisdiction and interfering with the substantive law, was a unilateral decision by the people/lawyer/judges that directly profit from the protracting of cases and unnecessarily complex processes. Not only has the paper work increased, contrary to the paper reduction and delay act, that was mandated by the federal government, but these rules have in effect, blocked the right to jury trial, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the ability to appeal lower court decisions, and enabled “discretionary” rule from the bench. Discretionary rule allows judges to make decisions based on their own personal biases, religious backgrounds, social status, etc. Words like “may” have been interjected into these rules allowing individuals hired as judges, to circumvent substantive laws that were passed by our elected legislators.
This is particularly pervasive in the family court system, which falls under the realm of Civil Procedures, as opposed to Criminal. Divorce, as a result, has become a $50 billion dollar a year industry, which bankrupts families, extorts assets and even removes children from their parents for profit. All of this is done by lawyers, under the rules promulgated by the American Bar Association.
There are 22 states that give exclusive jurisdiction to the courts for rule-making. Check to see if the inmates are running the asylum in your state here.

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