They control national security through FISA applications tand they have the power to destroy evidence of wiretaps. They consistently encroach on the power of Congress, redefining statutes after they are passed, and they have denigrated the Seventh Amendment by unilaterally eliminating the right to civil jury trials. They have dubiously interfered with Constitutionally-mandated Presidential powers on immigration. And they are the only remedy for state court civil rights violations against the average citizen.
They are Federal judges- lifetime-appointed, unsupervised, unelected elite lawyers that defy democracy, having created for themselves an impenetrable, self-serving franchise out of our courts. While the other two branches of government are being publicly monitored by the checks and balance system, the Federal Judiciary is suspiciously being exempted from scrutiny. This is a sorely overlooked dilemma for the nation, and having one obscure Federal Judge that wields a tremendous amount of power over all the others, has brought this country to the brink of collapse. No judge under Scirica’s reign over the disciplinary body, has ever been held accountable for crimes against Americans from the bench.
Pennsylvania Third Circuit Appellate Judge Anthony Scirica, an Italian American, has been Chair of the U.S. Judicial Conference Committee on Judicial Conduct and Disability, since 2007. As Chair, he vets all the complaints that will be presented to the Committee. This little mentioned agency that operates in Washington, DC. is the only government body which has privy and control over complaints of judicial misconduct. This affront to the balance of power, can be attributed to Scirica, who has been fighting against Congressional oversight of the Judiciary for over a decade.
In the video below, at approximately 12 minutes in, you can listen to Scirica’s assault on Democracy, as he continues to orchestrate the obstruction of a bill that Congress has introduced every year since 2006. This ongoing effort by our Legislators is to install an Office of Inspector General (OIG) over the Judicial Branch. The obvious reason the bill has never passed is so many members of Congress have law firms, whose revenue depend upon the favor of these federal judges- and Judge Scirica is there to remind them. It has been a huge conflict of interest at the expense of the citizens who often come to the federal courts for civil rights violations by state court judges.
It is alarming that Scirica hails from the most corrupt state in the nation, whose courts are known to be infested with organized crime. Scirica was a State Representative and then appointed as Common Pleas Judge in Montgomery County. The Pennsylvania Judiciary has suffered from such embarassments as Porngate, (the names of 13 judges involved are still being concealed), and allowed the Kids for Cash Scandal (the prison was owned by PA Supreme Court Justice Stephen Zappala’s son), and the Penn State-Sandusky cover-up (during much of this time Federal Judge D. Michael Fisher was the state Attorney General) to continue for almost a decade. The Commonwealth also holds the national record for having the most Supreme Court judges removed.
What the Conduct Committee has focused on under Scirica, is the protection of the reputation of the Judiciary, and not the welfare of the country. So it is no wonder 99.99% of judicial complaints are dismissed. In the video, he pontificates about how effective his overisight has been of judges that improperly accept au gratis accommodations. Yet Scirica’s own 2012 Financial disclosure, improperly redacted the source of a free “teaching” trip to Florency, Italy. Scirica’s integrity has been challenged before by Judicial Watch, in a case brought by another Federal judge. But as usual, the cabal defends itself by lableing anyone crazy that tries to expose their true agenda.
While Scirica held office in Montgomery County, he was an associate of the late U.S. Senator Arlen Specter. Like so many federal judges, they are political appointments gained by paying into campaign funds. Scirica is certainly one of at least 20, that obtained their positions from Specter, who was the second longest running Senator in the nation’s history. This created a petri dish for corruption in Pennsylvania, with their courts in that state being accused of judicial money laundering to fund political coffers, especially by forced liquidation of marital assets in the $2 billion a year state divorce industry.
It is suspect that Specter’s son’s law firm of Kline Specter, LLC is the wealthiest in Pennsylvania from dubious insurance cases with outragous settlements- which they dutifully share with politicians. This association with so many judges has not gone unnoticed. You will be hard-pressed to find similar successes, except for their former partner and son of a former governor, the law firm of Matt Casey. If you want to know why your health and other insurance is so high, you may get an answer if you knock on the doors of one of their multiple million dollar vacation and primary home mansions.
No action has ever been taken in the history of this alleged disciplinary body, on the complaint of a litigant; only when outside law enforcement has intervened has there been discipline taken. That means federal judges have free reign to just throw out cases, whether or not they have merit, purely based on whether it suits their political agenda. And this is in fact what has been occurring. The Bureau of Judicial Statistics reports that it has received nothing from the Scirica’s Third Circuit since 2011, regarding pro se or civil rights case outcomes.
America is clearly ignorant that, in fact, contrary to this diatribe about the need for “independence” by Judge Scirica, it is the Judiciary that has continually encroached on the power of the other two branches of government. It is not Russia or any other outside influence that is the problem- it is the legal industry and its unrestrained assault on this country. It is time to demand a Congressional Inquiry into the federal judiciary, to see exactly what terrible transgressions against Americans they have been hiding. [su_tooltip position=”north” title=”Extract from Thomas Jefferson to Spencer Roane March 9, 1821 ” content=” Monticello Mar. 9. 21. The great object of my fear is the federal judiciary. that body, like Gravity, ever acting, with noiseless foot, & unalarming advance, gaining ground step by step, and holding what it gains, is ingulphing insidiously the special governments into the jaws of that which feeds them. the recent recall to first principles however … will, I hope, be heard, & obeyed, & that a temporary check will be affected. yet be not weary of well doing. let the eye of vigilance never be closed.”]Thomas Jefferson warned[/su_tooltip] federal judges would destroy the country.
2014 James Madison Lecture: Hon. Anthony J. Scirica
Judge Anthony J. Scirica of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit presented the James Madison Lecture on “Judicial Independence and Accoun…
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