Tag Archives: judicial corruption

Montgomery Co. Judge Richard Haaz Fails to Disclose Conflict on Panel Against AG Kane


Africans Have Never Built a Major Enduring City in 3,000 Years 480 X 640

Pastor Manning (black) describes how black people have never built a city in all of Africa, due to low IQ, or Laziness. Though incorrect in saying white men had not set foot in Africa until the 1400s, the point he is trying to make, is valid.

Experts on Judicial Misconduct-Written 20 Years Ago But Still Unresolved


Judicial Misconduct and Discipline

Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of the subcommittee: My name is Roger Pilon. I am a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and the director of Cato's Center for Constitutional Studies. I want to thank Chairman Hyde of the committee and Chairman Coble of the subcommittee for their invitations to me to testify on the important issue of "Judicial Misconduct and Discipline."