Clintongate versus Porngate: A Tale of Two Email Scandals That Just Doesn’t Add Up


The saga of Democrat and first female Pennsylvania Attorney General, Kathleen Kane, is an interesting contrast to that of Presidential Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton’s quagmire regarding mishandling of official government emails.  In fact, the two women are, or were comrades and Clinton supported Kane’s run for office in 2012. The difference of course is who they were up against and how much money they had to fight allegations, making the speed and timing of today’s announcement that Clinton has been cleared a bit suspicious.

If you missed Pennsylvania’s three-ring Judicial circus, coined “Porngate” by the media, it turned the Commonwealth’s third branch on its head. After Kane released thousands of racist and pornographic emails she discovered on state servers upon taking office,  it resulted in the forced resignation of two Supreme Court Justices and various and sundry removals and penalties for over 100 state attorneys and employees.    The best description of what had transpired can be had by viewing this video of Pennsylvania Senator Anthony Williams press conference.  After Attorney General  Kane gave an interview on CNN there was a scramble throughout the judiciary to silence her.  Yet since the Williams declaration that he would sandblast the judiciary,  there has been little action and there certainly was no support for Attorney General Kane, who became the sacrificial lamb in the Commonwealth’s struggle to rid its government of systemic corruption.

Attorney General Kane was arrested and eventually convicted based on allegations of leaking decade old grand jury information,  by Frank Fina and Mark Costanza, former OAG prosecutors, who she exposed as major senders of the rancid emails, which involved several judges. It was not just the content of the emails that was problematic, but the communications and relationships that may have been violations of due process.

When the PA Supreme Court bench suspended her law license the bench included Justice Michael Eakin sitting in judgment of Kane, who himself was guilty of sending racist and graphic emails and eventually resigned. This is what happens when you mess with what many Pennsylvanian’s call the black-robed mafia, in the state that gave us the Kids for Cash Scandal, the Penn State serial pedophile Jerry Sandusky and did some grandstanding by firing the entire Philadelphia traffic Court bench to avoid further investigation into the higher levels.

President Bill Clinton with Kathleen Kane

The Kane case is a microcosm of what America is facing  now in this Presidential election.   As Kane said in her CNN interview-” you would not believe how powerful this is” a reference to what is essentially organized crime that continues to have a grip on the Keystone state, and apparently the nation at-large. The discrepancy between this email scandal and the use of a secret server by Hillary Clinton, to circumvent the Freedom of Information Act, is the timing and handling of the investigation.  No one knows the exact amount, but at least one million emails were investigated by an independent prosecutor from Maryland named Doug Gansler, in the “Porngate” fiasco.

It was done in a similar  manner as the FBI handling of Clinton’s email and those found on the pervert husband of her assistant, Huma Abedin.  They used  keywords to scan and find whatever it was that they were looking for, however, while the estimated 700,000 emails in the Clinton investigation took only about a week,  the investigation into the Porngate emails took more than six months, and still no results have been released to the public and no decisions has been made.

It stands to reason that it would take much longer than a week to ascertain as to whether the contents of email threads contained information relevant to the Clinton investigation. It is logical that pressure was put on FBI Director Comey to vindicate her purely for the election. Hillary Clinton has not been cleared however, of allegations of money laundering through her foundation.  That material evidence against her remains quite incriminating, as a looming indictment continues to unfold.

Hopefully this country will wake up and smell the coffee on November 8th– and have the intelligence to see that we cannot defeat this infestation of criminals in our government by way of another insider.  The choice is obvious-if America wants to cleanse its system and survive as a secure and free nation.

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