All posts by admin

Without Voter Fraud Pennsylvania Gubernatorisl Candidate AG Josh Shapiro Would Likely Not Have Been Elected

Shapiro was likely not legitimately elected the first time as he came into office by framing the former Attorney General as a coverup to the PORNGATE scandal. Pennsylvania has been infested with organized crime in its government for decades to the point that former Attorney General Kathleen Kane suffered the same type of attacks that have been ongoing against President Trump. She too was an outsider and exposed the swamp to the point of releasing thousands of pornographic and racist emails she found on government servers- sent between judges and … Continue Reading ››

The Coronavirus Game


It was not planned, but it has become another tactic to try to insert communism into the United States by opportunists. If you think this artificially created "emergency" is anything else, you are delusional.   Tens of thousands die each year from influenza, and this "pandemic" is nothing more than the natural selection that occurs every year. Dr. Fauci of the  NIAID knows this, but is dependent on federal grants, so this is a windfall for him.

Since President Trump threw a wrench in the infiltration of the government by what is … Continue Reading ››

Sordid Backgrounds of Pennsylvania Judges


Updated May 31, 2017

When former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane received a campaign contribution from billionaire, twice convicted mobster Louis DeNaples,  she returned it.  But that did not stop the media in Pennsylvania from heavily reporting on it.   The media further made a huge deal that District Attorney Stephen Zappala also got  donations from DeNaples, resulting in his withdrawing from his candidacy for Pennsylvania Attorney General last year. 

However, Pennsylvania media outlets did not seem to have a problem with seven Appellate judges who also have donations from … Continue Reading ››