Last Updated May 29, 2017 : 8:10 PM EST
Even for those that have long suspected the court system is really nothing more than a legal industry, the series of events in the following brings a whole new perspective to judicial corruption. While similar deception is likely happening across the country, the state of Pennsylvania has very unique influence all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. If none of the following is true, the above pictured cabal of judges surely would have offered proof to refute it, and to “preserve confidence” in the judiciary.
What started as an employment discrimination law suit in 2013, became the uncovering of a judicial cabal that has apparently been deceiving the public about sending appeals when required, to a full appellate court panel. Obviously this makes it simple to rig outcomes when instead, only a few people are actually seeing the case. Essentially they are forging names if they falsely claim that all judges listed on Orders participated in the decisions.
This became a real probability when a Plaintiff did some investigating after District Court Judge Paul Diamond dismissed their case in 2015. It was quite obvious that Diamond was complicit with concealment of evidence by the Defendant, who is one of the largest corporations in Pennsylvania. Judge Anthony Scirica was the only appellate judge to sign the final Opinion dismissing the appeal of Diamond’s order in 2016, pretentiously using case law he had written himself apparently for just such occasions.
But it was his denial of a request for signatures from the full 12 judge “en banc” panel to verify they had all reviewed the appeal, that was the red flag. Sirica then had a clerk send a letter saying the judge was not going to respond to a further request, which was for the law allowing him to refuse to provide that proof. In four years of litigation, this self-represented citizen had not been allowed in a court room and has never seen any of the above judges. They have taken it upon themselves to eliminate signature requirements and having to face the public by doing away with courtroom hearings and jury trials at their “discretion.”
Sirica, who was a Montgomery County Common Pleas judge and former State Representative, is the Chairman of the Judicial Conduct Committee of the Judicial Conference of the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington DC. The alleged Disciplinary Council at the Third Circuit level was chaired by former Chief Justice Theodore McKee, who is also on the Conduct Committee with Scirica (and who also had the power to assign judges to appeal panels).
After a complaint against Judge Diamond appeared to similarly have never been sent to the eleven member Disciplinary Council, a complaint against McKee was sent to Chief Justice John Roberts of SCOTUS to bypass McKee and Scirica. Although it may have been related that McKee announced soon after that he was “stepping-down” early as Chief Justice, nothing else was done. The Plaintiff received a letter from Washington DC Administration of Courts stating they would not address any further disciplinary complaints and to go hire a lawyer. The entire system is just a three-ring circus.
Of course no lawyer was hired, but a law suit was filed in 2017 against Scirica and six other judges involved at various levels- Diamond, Fisher, Jordan, Fuentes, McKee and Vanaskie for fraud, but it got the same treatment as every other civil rights case. The claim was dismissed, this time citing judicial immunity, by Judge Sanchez. But it is now on appeal, which should be interesting, because they are running out of cabal members to assign, as most are now defendants in this other lawsuit by the same Plaintiff.
In the particular case that started this all, the Defendant Thomas Jefferson University, was caught concealing evidence and witnesses, which is a federal crime. The Plaintiff had applied for 50 other jobs during six years of employment with them, but was laid off after made to train someone 30 years younger. The Defendant then claimed the seven most recent jobs which were still timely enough to dispute in the case, had all coincidentally been cancelled. This was later discovered to be untrue.
Judge Paul Diamond fully assisted in the deception as the Defendant is a major Pennsylvania political lobbying entity and donor. The Plaintiff’s evidence was extremely compelling, and also included allegations that executives had taken huge bonuses while freezing pay raises, while laying off employees because of funding cuts in 2011. There was no way the case should have been shot down on appeal, which is when it became obvious what was happening…the appellate court is part of the sham.
The Plaintiff has been unable to get another job because to discourage employment discrimination allegations the courts deliberately refuse to seal such cases. Obviously employers now google applicants names and would be hesitant to hire someone suing their previous employers…but please read on because the rest is important to understand the history behind this cabal.
These cabal members have very sordid backgrounds. Most got appointed because of one specific politician. At least six of these “judges” accused of fixing cases all paid their way onto the bench via Senator Arlen Specter. Their history clearly shows that they did not get to where they are because of their skills. Who are these people really?
The plot gets even thicker. Federal District Court Judge Paul Diamond who tossed the discrimination case, was Senator Specter’s campaign Treasurer and close friend for decades.. That is of course how Diamond went from being an assistant DA to a Federal judge. Most of them got bumped up to the Appellate Court, and have Paul Diamond to thank for their jobs, so forget about winning an appeal against him, unless its already in the script. At a fee of $505 each, appeals are a main source of revenue for the Federal court.
Petrese Tucker as President Judge would not answer the letter of inquiry sent to her for confirmation that the judges are being randomly assigned, according to the rules. Therefore it is likely Tucker makes sure specific cases go to Diamond or one of his other appointees like Sanchez, for immediate dismissal of all pro se cases. Diamond “somehow” was assigned another unrelated case of this same Plaintiff which he of course dismissed. He is so arrogant ( or psychopathic), that he refused to disqualify himself even though he was a defendent in the other case.
Pennsylvania even has the rules committee tied up. Congressman Tom Marino- the former Assistant U.S. Attorney that had to resign because convicted billionaire mobster Louis Denaples accidentally used him as a reference for a casino license. Marino then went to work for Denaples for $250,000 year- after which he was able to run for Congress.. well that Tom is on the Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives.
Federal Judge D. Mike Fisher, who is the former Attorney General of Pennsylvania, is also a DeNaples disciple with tens of thousands in campaign contributions from him. He also had contributions from Thomas Jefferson University and the law firm defending them who was Carianne Torrissi of Klehr Harrison, Harvey and Branzburg, LLC. They were also major contributors to Senator Specter, who put Fisher on the federal bench. It appears Fisher’s consolation prize after losing against Fast Eddy Rendell in a 2002 run for Governor, was the federal judgeship.
But it doesn’t end there. Samuel Alito- the SCOTUS Judge was from the Third Circuit – is Sirica’s bosom buddy. It has been alleged that Alito was “too soft” on organized crime when 22 accused mobsters went free when he was prosecuting the case in New Jersey, before getting nominated to the Supreme Court. Scirica spoke at his nomination for SCOTUS. So anyone from Pennsylvania that tries to get heard before the Supreme Court, has to go through Alito, because he is the Third Circuit SCOTUS gatekeeper. This cannot be working out very well for those that try for certiorari to the Supreme Court, who cannot get relief for state court due process violations through the federal district courts.
The protection from this level of corruption is supposed to be Congress- they have the duty and the power to initiate an investigative committee into the judiciary. But Congressman Brendan Boyle- with a brother Kevin in the state legislature- just refuses to do anything. They are just too heavily funded by the legal industry. These are crimes being committed under color of law and there is a criminal code for it 18 USC 242. Except it is not being enforced against judges anywhere in the country.
This is the reason why there needs to be term limits for every legislative office – both in state and federal government. Specter put about a dozen federal judges on the bench because he was in office for over 30 years. He was able to be in office so long because he had a lot of money, some of which came from people he appointed to the bench. As a result these people were all associated before they even got into the courts, so there are conflicts of interest between every jurisdiction.
Lawyers are the only profession in the country that is completely self-regulating. Judge Scirica has been doing the speech circuit pontificating about how they must not allow the legislature to impose an OIG on them like they have been trying for 15 years. He claims it is a threat to their independence- but campaign contributions are just fine! Scirica sounds more like an underboss than a federal judge.
It not only affects discrimination cases, it obstructs all other forms of civil rights, such as allegations of abuse in the prison system and complaints against state judges and public officials, which are challenged through this same jurisdiction. There is not one law enforcement agency that can or will stop them.
While the country is wasting resources in being distracted with nonsense about Russia, we are being destroyed from the inside. This path of organized crime from Harrisburg straight to SCOTUS is being covered up by Congressman Boyle. Having these miscreants serve for a life time is a complete disaster. Democracy is completely dead. No hearings. No civil jury trials. But what do you expect from the state that gave us Porngate, Kids for Cash and is trying to rob poor old Bill Cosby before he dies?
Can all the kings horses and all the kings men put America back together again?
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