Africans Have Never Built a Major Enduring City in 3,000 Years 480 X 640
Pastor Manning (black) describes how black people have never built a city in all of Africa, due to low IQ, or Laziness. Though incorrect in saying white men...
Tag Archives: judicial immunity
Class Action Scams
Experts on Judicial Misconduct-Written 20 Years Ago But Still Unresolved
Judicial Misconduct and Discipline
Mr. Chairman, distinguished members of the subcommittee: My name is Roger Pilon. I am a senior fellow at the Cato Institute and the director of Cato's Center for Constitutional Studies. I want to thank Chairman Hyde of the committee and Chairman Coble of the subcommittee for their invitations to me to testify on the important issue of "Judicial Misconduct and Discipline."
Are Judges and Lawyers Around the Country Finally Realizing Its Game Over?
Africans Have Never Built a Major Enduring City in 3,000 Years 480 X 640
Pastor Manning (black) describes how black people have never built a city in all of Africa, due to low IQ, or Laziness. Though incorrect in saying white men...
PA Supreme Court Decision Should Be the Basis to Challenge Judicial Immunity and Self-Recusal
Pennsylvania is the state to watch, with its ongoing major challenges to jurisdiction in our courts, through what apparently started as a political agenda, against the State Attorney General Kathleen Kane. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is the first and oldest in the country- the birthplace of democracy, with the most precedent set. It is ironic that it is also the venue of one of the worst cases of judicial corruption in the country- The Kids for Cash Scandal; and now that same Judicial Branch is imposing its dubious power to try to exceed their jurisdiction, and retain control of the government.
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Is This the Biggest Fraud Ever on Americans? Judicial “Discretion” Abused to Repay Campaign Contributions
Since the early 1970s, lawyers have gained complete independence from oversight. Increasingly, the unregulated, unlimited ability of attorneys to charge their clients by the hour, for as many hours a week as possible, has impoverished thousands, if not millions of Americans. There is simply no escape from the propensity of lawyers to complicate and prolong cases. This is an abomination in this country. The members of every bar association have used this to trap litigants in the court system until they extort as much of their assets as possible. … Continue Reading ››