Representing Yourself in Court 101 – Walk Away If You Can
Thinking of representing yourself in court? Donald Best shares hard truths about how the justice system is rigged with systemic barriers to foil self-represe…
WHY YOU SHOULD GO PRO SE: There is power in numbers – the more people that go pro se – the faster the legal industry will decompose. You will need to treat litigation as a hobby – you have a lot of learning to do- and lawyers try to make it last as long as possible. Check back often- new information will be added!
SELF- SATISFACTION – knowing you are doing something for future generations- to restore democracy and government integrity.
JUDICIAL ARROGANCE AND PRETENTIOUSNESS – Judges are civil servants paid by your tax dollars. The black robe is a uniform- just like the Mailman wears.
RESENTMENT – Judges are obligated to the lawyers because they fund their judicial campaigns, so you are immediately going to experience resentment from them for not generating profit for the legal industry.
UNCHECKED MISCONDUCT – If the other party has a lawyer, they will try to complicate and prolong the case because they are getting paid by the hour. The Judge in most cases will do nothing about it, because they owe a debt for the bar association funding their judicial elections. And do not be surprised if the judge lies- they are merely lawyers in black robes with the same agenda- revenue for the courts.
PROCEDURE UNCONSTITUTIONALLY GIVEN POWER OVER MERITS – Cover all your issues or you waive the right to bring them up later on appeal. READ FOOTNOTES in the rules and laws- it is the most important part.
SUBVERSIVE TACTICS – The court system at this time in our history is f*cked up. You are not crazy, but they will try to get it onto the record that you are. Its them – not you. The members of the bar associations are cult-like, arrogant and think they are untouchable. But that is changing- albeit slowly.
DISCOURAGING UPS AND DOWNS – Never give up! The system needs constant maintenance – and we the people need to maintain it by persistently letting those given the privilege to serve us, know that they will have a price to pay if they violate the public trust.
Coming Soon- Samples of Complaints, Motions and Other Procedures…
Websites Essential for Handling Your Own Case- Free Legal Research and Government Judicial Websites:
PA Judiciary
Federal Law
Free Legal Research
PA State Law
Pennsylvania Judicial Links
- Pennsylvania Code Online
Procedural Rules and Regulations in Pennsylvania (No Statutes or Acts) - Pennsylvania Interbranch Commission on Juvenile Justice
Formed after the Kids for Cash Scandal- so far has had no effect Pennsylvania Judicial Conduct Board
Currently the only agency that addresses judicial corruption in PennsylvaniaPennsylvania Judicial Web Portal
- Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau
Great site and staff will answer emails regarding the history of laws and rules in the Commonwealth U.S. Library of Congress for Pennsylvania
- U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals PRO SE Information (Pennsylvania)
Federal Government Law Sites
- Federal Rules of Civil Procedure
Rules Needed for Civil Rights Cases in the Federal Jurisdiction U.S. Code Board of Revisions
Comprehensive Official Website of all the National Laws and Codes- U.S. Congress Financial Disclosures
Follow the Money! - U.S. Government Publishing Office aka GPO
Complete digital online info on all three branches of the federal government; very complex search engine that usually returns TMI - U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals PRO SE Information (Pennsylvania)
U.S. Supreme Court Cases from Pennsylvania – The Cert Pool
No Description
Free Case Law
- Court Listener
Free Law Project – NonProfit Effort to Provide Legal Case Research for Pro Se Litigants - Google Scholar
Free case law and tools for shepardizing i.e. checking of the case law is still current - Jenkins Law Library – Available to the Public at a Small Fee
Almost free- $5 a day to access Westlaw and LexisNexis onsite- Located in Center City Philadelphia -
Excellent site for free state and federal case law Pennsylvania Commonwealth Law Library
- Pennsylvania State Library
Not much online here currently- but you can research what is available
Pennsylvania Law
- Duquesne University – All Versions of the Pennsylvania Constitution
Good site for researching PA Constitution and legislative history - Pennsylvania Code Online
Procedural Rules and Regulations in Pennsylvania (No Statutes or Acts) Pennsylvania Commonwealth Law Library
- Pennsylvania Legal Research
Awesome- Hundreds of Legal Research Links – unfortunately he just retired in 2015 but someone may take over- - Pennsylvania Legislative Reference Bureau
Great site and staff will answer emails regarding the history of laws and rules in the Commonwealth - Pennsylvania State Library
Not much online here currently- but you can research what is available - Westlaw – Free Pennsylvania Statutes

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