Stamp Out Government Corruption – It Starts with the Courts


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The Judicial Branch controls the government.  Under the doctrine of “judicial review” they have the final say in healthcare policy, taxes, education, banking.. everything.  Judges.. i.e. lawyers, are the only profession not licensed by the government.  The American Bar Association has that authority. The Judicial Branch is also the only branch that self-regulates.. there is no checks and balance system in place with the other two branches since the 1970’s.  This has resulted in an epidemic of corruption.

Mail this to your legislators

Removing the monetary incentive in the system is key. There should not be a price on justice. Currently, judges are complicit with the prolonging of cases, to maximize hourly billing in repayment to lawyers who have contributed to their judicial campaigns, either individually or through PACs organized by the bar association. The changes in the table below, will most certainly interfere with this racketeering practice. 

If you are not familiar with the legislative process, it is not as democratic as most people imagine.  Both the House of Representatives and the Senate have Judiciary Committees.  A bill can start in either committee, however, each committee has a Chairman.  The Chairmen actually filter what bills the other committee members will even see.

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For example in Pennsylvania, Senator Stewart Greenleaf has been in control of all of the court reform introduced by the Senate, for approximately 25 years.  In the House, Representative Ron Marsico controls which proposals for court reform, will be presented to the other Representatives.  As a result, there has been no meaningful reform and the courts continue to deteriorate in every way. This process itself is ripe for change; this is way too much power in the hands of just two people. 

In addition, we do not have royalty in this  country. All evidence has shown that judicial immunity is a negative factor in the integrity of our government, and it needs to be abolished. The current Judicial Conduct Board has been ineffective and does not represent the public, although half of the members are supposed to be a cross-section of society. Instead, it is staffed with lawyers, judges, magistrates, police officers and people that have contributed to political campaigns

Its Up to You – For the Next Generation

The current system is not a justice system – it is a commerce system.  It does not provide due process. The below is a list of reforms that will drastically reduce the injustices now being inflicted on the public by court personnel, judges and officers of the court (attorneys). Inform your elected politicians that you expect similarly focused House and Senate bills to be introduced, to end the unjust incarcerations, and the racketeering currently rampant,  by opportunistic lawyers being enabled by judges.

Your local Senators and Representatives need to know you are aware of the problems emanating from the Judicial Branch.   These changes will maximize the integrity of our courts. There are many other changes that need to be made, but the below is a good start to putting our elected officials on notice, that the public is retaking control of our third branch of government. It only takes a stamp. [/su_column][/su_row]

Please sign and print this out , and send to your State Representatives and Senators –

or make an appointment with them and hand it to them personally.

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