Category Archives: News and Views

Why The Founding Fathers Left Religion Out of the Political Equation


napoleanWhile their texts are laced with religious references  and spirituality- you rarely see the founding fathers  announce their gods by name.  Freedom of religion was one of the guarantees of the Constitution.. and imposing their own beliefs would have made them appear hypocritical and damaged their credibility.

They used lessons learned from the countries of their times,  from which they separated in Europe.   Napolean said "religion is the only thing that keeps the poor from killing the rich."  Similary, in modern times, Marx said "religion is the opiate of the people." Both these … Continue Reading ››

Should Pennsylvania Senator Greenleaf Be Impeached?


Its in his pocket… apparently. Greenleaf has been the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for 20 years. Below are Senator Greeneleaf’s contributors to his election campaigns which can be found on this comprehensive site: – All of Greenleaf’s contributors are bar associations, large law firms and attorneys.

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Absolute Immunity -and I am Not talking about the Flu


Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned.. and FB friends post pies while our court system infrastructure is in a moral bankruptcy. I love when people say “well, its always been that way.” Well, it was in Syria, Iran and Egypt until bloody revolutions broke out. Something that everyone needs to educate themselves on.. and it is the single most dangerous threat to future generations, but is alive and well in Amerika, is the bar association imposed protection for themselves of “absolute immunity” for judges.

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